Thursday, January 05, 2006

I'm on TV! I'm on TV!

Hey look, I’m going to be on TV! I'm famous! Some show called “The Book Of Daniel”, which from the commercial makes me think its not based on that Daniel but some other Daniel (not that a tv show with Aidan Quinn fighting lions would be too bad). Either way, the show is on Friday nights, which isn’t too good for my schedule because that is when so many of you need me to keep you out of trouble (you’re welcome), but Heaven, being perfect, has a Tivo, so I will make sure to watch it sometime over the weekend. Time makes it sound racy, which is cool because I like stories about me that are a little more realistic than “7th Heaven”... not that I didn’t like “7th Heaven”, but this show looks like it could be more of the Son of God’s pace. Remember, I’m the guy who told stories by the campfire all the time about people getting beat up or people running away from home and spending all their cash on prostitutes. How many parables did I tell with talking animals? None! Not that there were talking animals on “7th Heaven”, but honestly, they wouldn’t have felt too out of place.

Anyway, I’m excited to see if this show is any good. Aidan Quinn was in one of my all time favorite movies, “The Mission”, and yes, I forgave him for being a jerk to Johnny Depp in “Benny and June”. The guy who plays me, Garret Dillahunt, was also one of my favorite reoccurring characters during the 1995-1996 season of “One Life to Live” as Charlemagne Moody, so let’s see if he’s still got the goods to play somebody I’d argue is a little harder to impersonate than Johnny Cash, the big J.C.! It’s on this Friday on of them “important” stations.


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