Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Heath and Me

The heart of Jesus is breaking all the time. It comes with the job. If I am going to know the hearts of man, it’s going to hurt. I just saw the image above, and it breaks My heart. Allow Me to explain.

I have a book. It’s more like a journal, but I call it the Book Of Life. This book is really just a list of names, along with the date. Whenever Myself and a human become friends, I add their name in the book and the date in which the person asked Me into their life. The book is a big deal because it will be next to My Dad when He is deciding who to let into Heaven. Because Heaven is perfect, He can only let in perfect people. This can be difficult for most people because as soon as they do one stupid thing, there is nothing they can do to make themselves pure again. If anybody has ever missed the mark and screwed up, they are not allowed into the eternal Kingdom of God.

However, there is a loophole. Hi. Nice to meet you. I’m your Loophole. Right before I died, My Dad put all the bad stuff that has ever happened in the world into Me. Every time you put yourself before God and others. Everything you did that tried to lift yourself up like a God. That one time your mom told you not to touch something, but you did anyway. All that was placed into Me, and then I was murdered with all of it locked inside Me.

The loophole is simple. If you want My death to also count for the death of your sins, just ask. I already did it, so it’s no big deal. My Loophole is a gift to you. I offer you purification. Just say “thanks”. Once you and I are pals, I write your name in My Book Of Life. When you die, there’s a trial. God looks at your life to see if you were able to stay perfect, since only perfection can be allowed into perfect Heaven. Most likely, you’re going to screw up. And just as My Dad will sadly deem you not worthy, I’ll jump in for you. I’ll tell My Dad that it’s all good. That you and I are pals. I’ll show the court My Book Of Life with your name and date written in it. And God smiles. And you smile. And then We lead you through the gates where angels have written you a song specifically for you. It will be the most beautiful song you have ever heard. You will see faces of old family and friends looking so happy you made it in. You will see gold and you will see diamonds. And you will see God shining like the Sun. And you will run to Him. And you will know Love.

Heath did this last night.

19 years ago, He and I had a conversation while he was lying in bed. We became friends. We really didn’t talk much after that. I wish we talked more, but most people think they are fine on their own. I love him though, and although we rarely talked, that night I put his name in My book.

Do not let anyone tell you whose names are written in My Book Of Life. That is between Me and that person alone. They have not seen My book. Lot’s of people read My biography and have trouble with it. There seems to be a lot of information in there that can confuse some of My followers. So, I will simplify it again for some of My followers who might be a little confused.

Love Me. Love others. My Father will judge and condemn.

Homosexuality is a cause of sin. So is stealing. So is talking back to your parents. So is hitting. So is gluttony. I don’t see too many people picketing the funerals of the overweight. Please stop picking the sins you think are damnable. We’ve got it all figured out. You just work on loving Me and loving others, and We will take care of the justice. I know you are trying to do the right thing. I know you are trying to follow Me. I spoke nothing about homosexuals while on Earth, but I spoke a lot about loving broken people. I spoke a lot about how to love broken people. You might want to re-read some of that. We have a video of your whole life, too. Out of control on video tape.

Now, Heath Ledger is perfect. Now, Heath Ledger is pure. Let his family and friends celebrate that without being reminded that a lot of Christians are still pretty broken.

And despite this quote on the WBC flyer, “God hates the sordid, tacky bucket of slime seasoned with vomit known as ‘Brokeback Mountain’”, I loved that movie. That quote sounds more like My A Knight's Tale review, but Brokeback Mountain was great.


At 3:19 PM, Blogger the zero effect said...

thank you for the post.

At 3:37 PM, Blogger Hol said...

Thank you. I appreciate what you wrote about how it's not our place to judge. Very true.

At 4:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks, man.
sometimes i wish you really existed.

At 7:32 PM, Blogger Luna said...

thanks JC! Can I give you a big ol' AMEN?!!! My husband Tom just did, he's more like you than anyone I've ever met. He loves you deeply and that loves spills over onto other imperfect people.

I love you too!

At 6:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an awesome post.
Thanks a lot.

At 3:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jesus, I should probably be doing my homework right now. I am reading a book about you its called "Living Jesus: Learning the Heart of the Gospel" by Luke Timothy Johnson. Its pretty good.

I like your post and I am sure that actions like that of WBC break your heart and it brakes mine as well (probably because of you in my heart).

But I do have a question especially about this whole 'name and date' stuff. I have got the vibe now for a while (I have been trekking w/ your blog for quite some time now) that Jesus must be an American evangelical. I am a reformed Christian and many of my friends are Reformed, Lutheran, or Catholic. A lot of them - including my wife who is one of the most godly people I have ever met - were baptized as children, raised in the church and have always had you as a part of their life. They have never had a radical conversion experience. But they do indeed love you and some of them are now raising their children to love you like their parents did for them. So I am just curious if their names are in your book and what do you do about the date for such cases?

I have a baptist friend who actually told me once that Heaven will be full of people that have asked you into their heart one time and then never did a whole lot with you or loving their neighbor again and that Hell will be full of people of other religions or no particular religious tradition that lived lives of of humility and loving others but never "accepted Jesus as Lord and savior." Is he right? I hope not. I know its not our job to judge and all but maybe you could give me some clue as to your thoughts on such matters.

Thanks for making snow, and and that smell on the top of a new born baby's head. And thank you for being incarnated, living among us, dying for us and for resurrecting from the grave to defeat the powers of sin and death and sit at the Father's right hand as our priest and advocate before the Father.

And tell Heath I said hello.

At 5:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you made me cry! This is beautiful - grace and love are beautiful. thank you!!!

At 8:10 AM, Blogger Matt said...

very interesting post! I have a question for you Jesus. what if i want my name removed from your book of life? i mean friendships come and some of them go. it doesn't seem fair to to continue to call someone your friend (who isn't much interested in actually being your friend) and then dragging them kicking and screaming into your fellowship forever. i believe the historical Jesus used the example of marriage to signify God's relationship to humanity. imagine a marriage where after you say "i do" you never talk to the person again. or imagine further that after the "event" you move in with someone else. Is that the sort of friendship you have in mind? if so, then as far as i'm concerned you can keep it.

you see, the struggle with blogging like you are Jesus is that you are not Jesus. that is not to say that you do not have some interesting things to say. it does mean, however, that you should be more than a little careful when speaking on behalf of God. We have a bible that does that and we have nearly 2000 years of church history that helps us understand things a bit better.

so returning the question that i believe is driving your post: what happened to Heath when he died. some say that because he played the role of a homosexual that he is apart from God. you say that because he said some prayer 15 years ago that he is with God. the fact is, we do not know where Heath is. that is between Heath and God. not Heath, God and some guy pretending like he is Jesus.

At 3:43 PM, Blogger RBarryYoung said...


This is the most remarkable thing that I have ever read in a blog.

Keep being perfect.

At 5:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems the message is inconsistent. If love is the message which Jesus went to the cross, where is it displayed in this blog. It appears those without sin are busy throwing rocks.

At 9:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I understand what You were doing by dying to take on everyone's sins. If I had the chance, I think I might do that, too. Here's the thing... I feel so guilty that some of that suffering You did was my fault. It's not that I don't love You, it's that I can't stand that I hurt You.

I sometimes wish I didn't believe. It would be a lot easier. The responsibility of living up to such a sacrifice... it's too much.

Am I alone in feeling this way?

At 2:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Prayer To Share

I thank You for this life,
And the chance to live it well.
Please help me get to Heaven,
And guide others there as well.

Please fill me with Your Light,
Your Love and Wisdom too,
So that all can see Your wonders
In everything I do.

A Prayer to Jesus

Lord Jesus Christ,
I love You with
All my heart,
All my spirit,
All my soul.

I thank you
For Your Love,
Your gentle patience
In guiding me,
And Your ever-presence
At my side.

I'm sorry for
The times I've hurt You,
And the times
I've turned away from You,
Though You remained
Steadfastly at my side.

Please help me
Keep my feet
On the path set before me
Until I can walk
At YOUR side
In Your glory.


- LS

At 8:53 PM, Blogger Mark Riessen said...

I am inclined to sympathize with Matthew's comments whoever you are 'pseudo-Jesus'.

Presuming to speak the mind of Jesus in such a way is risky to say the least. I understand what your desire is to do but it is so limited and so narrow to one persons point of view. I actually apreciate the dialouge much more with someone who isn't hiding behind a presona such as this. Makes conversation on issues such as this so much more interesting. Instead it's like, what you say goes and stuff what anyone else thinks.

I too was horrified at what I heard about picketing Heath Ledgers funeral. I don't know what disturbs me more, the fact that those who testify to the same way of life as me, 'Christian' are behaving in such narrow minded, childish ways, or the fact that you among others say the homosexuality is a sin!

Yeah lets have a conversation about that Jesus...oh wait, you had nothing to say about that in my bible. Well maybe that's a conversation I'll have to take up with the apostle Paul, do you run his blog too?

At 10:20 PM, Blogger Stephen Siregar said...

Whoa, this is surreal. I just typed in "I wish Jesus had a blog" into Google, and voila! This blog came up. Keep it up, man!

At 10:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The John 17 Group

Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and to all who are called according to His purpose. Most of us have heard of or have seen the TV series “Speechless” which documents how Christians are being silenced in our schools, governments, and workplaces and in the media. In response we want to begin a grass roots movement to post our views – God’s Word – on billboards and other outdoor media all across our nation. We are accepting donations and offering for sale advertising space at reduced prices for ministries and Christian owned businesses. Please visit our brand new Wet Paint web site: and tell us what you think? or visit our web page @ thanks, and God Bless, Charlie Harbin-president , The John 17 Group.

At 11:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol "Out of control on video tape"

At 4:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

... why do people actually think jesus is blogging?

everything we take from your (Your) blog should obviously be taken with a grain of salt. but it's not as though you're pulling this out of a hat and saying "Jesus Blog = Bible"

i hope you stick to your guns. it doesn't matter what you're calling yourself, you're helping me to let go of a lot of bitterness and to be patient with people. i mean that, i come here and it's a reminder of what i'm supposed to do, and why i'm supposed to do it, and who i'm doing it for, and even a reminder that i need to find this in the bible, and not rely on a blog for absolute truth.


[no really, my name's Noah]

At 10:51 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Do you honestly believe that homosexuality is a sin? It is a scientific fact that sexual preference is decided at conception as part of the genetic code. Why would God create gay people if he planned to burn them?

The bible was written in the dark ages. Women are stoned and raped; slavery is permitted (by Moses); and the writers believed the Sun revolved around the Earth.

If anyone is interested:

At 1:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

your blog has caused some discomfort among some of those that read it because they believe you have squared off and taken sides...they are pissed because you are able to love all the people and they cant...which goes to prove that perfection is too hard to maintain for the son of man, but easy enough for the Son of God......keep blogging, it is obviously a spirit-driven talent you have and do not let those who like to stick needles into baloons burst the fact that hope floats...

At 4:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus, or whoever you are that posts for him, I must say that this made me cry, as well.

Many people don't understand that BBM was just a movie, and that Heath is not really homosexual.

I'm glad you still accept him. This makes me very, very happy.

At 10:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1 Peter 4:1-11

[1] Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin. [2] As a result, he does not live the rest of his earthly life for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God. [3] For you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do -- living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry. [4] They think it strange that you do not plunge with them into the same flood of dissipation, and they heap abuse on you. [5] But they will have to give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. [6] For this is the reason the gospel was preached even to those who are now dead, so that they might be judged according to men in regard to the body, but live according to God in regard to the spirit.

[7] The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. [8] Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. [9] Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. [10] Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. [11] If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

At 2:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regardless of anyone's thoughts on how ethical or not it is to blog as Jesus, or anything else anyone has mentioned, I'd just like to say "thank you" for posting this.

Much love.

At 10:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you had me until you said that "Brokeback" was a good movie. It was a sorry excuse for a screenplay. If you want a good movie that flaunts the "virtue" of the "alternative lifestyle", watch "Birdcage." Much better script.
You were right about "A Knight's Tale", though.
Anyway, thanks for the correction of the WBC. Which freak you out more, WBC's picketing, or Bishop Spong's writing?

At 9:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, JC, or who ever you are... This is beautiful. Thank you.

At 3:22 AM, Blogger Kyle said...

As a non-Christian it gets harder and harder to even give Christians the benefit of the doubt when I see stuff like the WBC trying to pull their little "God hates you" stunts and it really is aggravating that they call themselves the children of a "loving and forgiving God". I usually try to stay away from them or argue to the contrary but then I see something like this and ... well I guess you aren't all stupid, shallow and mean. Thanks, this was a breath of fresh air even for this atheist, I guess there are still some of you out there that ACTUALLY care about the forgiveness part of the bible. If there really is a loving God up there, your probably one of the few who is not a painful dissapointment to them.

At 2:12 PM, Blogger RBarryYoung said...

Kyle: there are a lot of Christians in the world who would agree with the original post here, but they are not the ones who get on TV or in the news. Extreme hate and condemnation by those calling themselves Christians almost always get free publicity from the media. However, love and forgiveness almost never gets reported. See this link for a rare exception.

At 10:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was reading this page and thought that I should make a comment; for starters you need to be very careful how that you represent the Lord Jesus Christ; it is not wise to act as though you are God and talk for him in a personification. The only way that God talks to us is through the Holy Scriptures; and for that matter you should always make sure you quote from the old 1611 King James; other than these two things I think that your alright in what your saying. But I would have to look your blog over better; always make sure when your witnessing that the people are told about their eternal condition and that unless they ask the Lord God Jesus Christ to save them from Hell that they will spend all of eternity burning forever to pay for their sins. Then have them baptized by full immersion by a preacher that believes these things. If your ever in the area come visit my church. - Eric

At 5:59 PM, Blogger RBarryYoung said...

Eric: It is not true that that only way that God talks to us is through the Bible, in fact, the Bible is full of examples where God speaks to his people through other means. Yes, God speaks to us through scripture, but God also speaks to us through the Creation (Adam and Eve), through dreams (Peter), through visions (John), through prayer (David), through fellow Christians (Paul), directly (Moses) and even through unbelievers (Jonah). God is constantly speaking to us throughout every aspect of our entire lives, don't reject it because it isn't what you expected.

At 1:24 PM, Blogger Jon Juane said...

great post. these creeps tried to come to my university to protest a play and our fellowship got together and prayed against their hate. it was pretty powerful.

we were running a love campaign to try and communicate the love of God to the campus in a creative way around valentines day so people would be intrigued to know how full His love is... and at the same time this cult was threatening to come and protest. it was insane, but we got together and prayed and they werent allowed into canada! pretty sweet eh?

our God takes care of us

At 12:42 PM, Blogger Mark Loper said...

Helpful information.

At 5:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 5:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rid yourselves of this christ disease!

At 5:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! please check out my blog and spread the good news!

At 7:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was just passing you don't know me..and I see how long ago this was posted (so who knows if you come on here now) but I just wanted to say what a great post this was!! Did you write this? VERY very awesome!!

Mucho Love!

At 2:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God the Father is not the judge, Jesus is the judge.

John 5:22 Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son

At 8:06 PM, Anonymous life after death said...

God's mercy is for all people....especially sinners.

At 10:07 AM, Anonymous EX MUSLIM said...


At 5:57 PM, Blogger Dwight said...

Interesting post. However, I'd like to correct a few concepts, if I may.

First, you wrote 'x is the cause of sin'. The distinction required is that we are sinners from birth, we didn't become sinners. We sin because that's our nature before we become Christians.

God the Father planned it that way. We needed to depend on His plan for salvation and not try to rely on our own ability not to sin. It's all about Christ.

Second, you mentioned several times that we become friends with Jesus by asking Him into our lives. On the contrary, it is only when we die to ourselves and live for Christ that we become Christians. Why would we invite Him into our sinful natures? It is He that not only invites us out of our sinful nature, but provides a way (THE way).

This process of dying and being reborn is seen in the symbolism of baptism. Baptism doesn't save. It only reflects what has happened inside as a result of believing in Him. We died to sin (our sin nature) and came alive to Christ!

I think you will see that there are plenty of scriptures that support these items. Let me know if you like a few more examples.


At 2:05 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Wow! it is amazing to see that the life of Jesus will continue to guide those willing to accept him.You can join the love for the J-Man! at my website

At 1:10 AM, Anonymous jesus said...

Good blog freind..........
thanks to Jesus

At 7:26 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Always tell the truth.
thank you for the post.

God bless you.

Ezequias Anacleto - Brazil

At 12:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perfect explanation of our Faith. He did it all for us. Wish more ppl understood that.

At 12:16 PM, Anonymous images of Jesus said...

Nice post. You are correct, I don't have access to the Book of Life - we should be more loving and more forgiving.

At 12:21 PM, Anonymous images of Jesus said...

My last post had the wrong URL - here is an update. We should be more loving and forgiving and if we followed Christ's example, we would be. Thanks for a nice post about Heath.

At 4:14 PM, Anonymous images of Jesus said...

Thank you for a sensitive post.

At 8:41 PM, Blogger Devil Jonah said...

I moved!

Here I Am!

At 7:34 PM, Anonymous marleny said...

I really love. love this post. Beautiful

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At 11:43 AM, Anonymous Images of Jesus said...

Heath Ledger - is now safe in the arms of Jesus.

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At 2:47 PM, Anonymous stretch mark removal cream said...

Ohhhhh!!! The article in this blog was very interesting, specially this BROKE BACk Mountain.. I wonder if that movie will really affect the funeral of the star? and Maybe? thanks for sharing it......

At 5:26 AM, Anonymous skin tag removal said...

Nice! It really is an interesting topic. I also wonder what does Jesus blog. =) If Jesus will blog I believe it is about how he saved the people from their sins.

At 9:10 PM, Blogger David Hereford,MSIT said...

I like this post

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At 5:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Witness Against "The Son Of Man!"

By Andrew, the Sickened Christian

Since God boasts of His mercies & begs people to follow His Son Jesus Christ, WHY does He then flagrantly ignore the cries of His followers in their hour of need? I have begged Him, cried to Him, & nearly beaten myself up in torment trying to pray to this so-called powerful God,m & All His Son does is arrogantly ignore me, & my cries for help. It makes me utterly sick, & it has bitterly imbittered me, as a former street preacher. Where does this thorny-crowned prince come off, ignoring the cries of His followers? I have spread His word, I have NEVER led anyone astray whilst doing so, & all He does is cohort with Lucifer, to bring me to utter ruin. I am disillusioned, disgusted, & absollutely disappointed in His Son Jesus Christ. I don't mind say'n I'd love to bust Him in His lip, that prick!!

I have this to ask of this so-called powerful living God: IF you are so powerful & exhalted above Lucifer, than WHY are you cohorting with Lucifer to bring me as your follower to ruin? Who in the hell do you think you are, trying to manipulate people to follow You, when you take such a big phuc'n shite on me, & why are you leaving my friend completely broke with no money? You make me so sick already, with your needling me to do Your will, & when I do, You treat me like utter shite by ignoring me, good & proper. You threaten people with hell & torment before Your Son the Lamb, & when yYou finally lead one of us to Hm, you strip the true follower of EVERYTHING we have, leaving us to live like some worthless shit-eating Grub-worm, You phuc'n prick-off!! Half of me absollutely HATES You, but the other half of me will never forget those miracles You performed in my life, when I got saved several years ago. -- So, there You have it. Ya want honesty, GOOD!! There it is!! Stop treating me like such shit, & I'll start wanting to follow You, again, You asshole!!

You leave my house mate without any money, & complain that he won't turn his heart over, or that his heart is too hard t oaccept You???? - Who the phuc are You, anyway???? What the phuc is Yer phuc'n problem, Jesus Christ, You asshole!?!?! Stop phuc'n with my friend, by cohorting with yer faggot friend Lucifer, & get off my friend Kieth's back, & maybe then he'll want to worship -- All this talk about sowing seeds of mercy -- You are so full of shit!! - He DOES have a good heart, but You won't give this guy a break!! - It's no wonder he's so phuc'n disallusioned with You, You phuc-head!! -- You allow social security to lie to him & steal his money due him & all You can do is like... NOTHING!! -- Prick!!

On 07/21/2011, you sat there on Your throne & did nothing at my drop in center, when my girlfriend had no money to eat. -- You did NOT send anyone her way to pay for her -- you let people steal money from me that I may not pay for her... I phuc'n hate You, You lazy bastard!! Get off Your phuc'n ass, & do Your Goddamed job, -- that's why You're on that throne to begin with, muth'a phuc'r, NOT to just sit there, & do nothing!! Faggot!! -- My girlfriend is sitting here hungry & will go hungry for the next few hours, thanks to You. Thanks alot!! & she thanks You for that, too. Jerk!!

At 1:11 PM, Anonymous stop sweating said...

Very interesting, or at least I thought it was. Don’t know about the rest of the people though.

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