If The Pixies Ruled The World

Matthew’s Celebrity Pixies Covers – Beach Boys Sing Levitate Me.mp3
Matthew’s Celebrity Pixies Covers – The Beegees Sing Wave Of Mutilation.mp3
Matthew’s Celebrity Pixies Covers – Prince Sings Hey.mp3
Matthew’s Celebrity Pixies Covers – Jimi Hendrix Sings Vamos.mp3
Matthew’s Celebrity Pixies Covers – Tina Turner Sings River Euphrates.mp3
Matthew’s Celebrity Pixies Covers – Frank Sinatra Sings Monkey Gone To Heaven.mp3
Matthew’s Celebrity Pixies Covers – Elvis Sings No. 13 Baby.mp3
Matthew’s Celebrity Pixies Covers – Bob Marley Sings Mr. Grieves.mp3
Jesus f*#king Christ this is genius.
Why do you have what appears to be a lemur on your head in that picture?
I mean, I know you're Jesus and all, maybe you're just sayin' "Hey, look at the funny animal I made" but...???
...and then there's also this electrotrashchaosrnrpose-Pixiescoverbandfromhell(as they call themselves) 'The Havalina's'. From The Netherlands. OK, i'm a bit related to it, I confess, but their live (boy/girl)performances roxk ass., So it's worth to check it out, I tell you!
They're on www.myspace.com/thehavalinas
Oh. Just woke up. Sorry about the spelling...
This may be the best post-Pixies thing I've heard since 'Dry the Rain'.
This is the coolest thing EVER
B r i l l i a n t
the links wont work for me..
Jesus Christ of Nazareth a genius? you must be kidding
thank you so much for turning me on to this! it's fucking brilliant!
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