Jesus Loves Mrs. Miller

Good voice, bad voice, it's all in the ears of the beholder. Some of you like Thom York, and some of you like Mrs. Miller. It could be argued that I am The Beholder, and if so, then a wonderful voice you should all get to know is that of Mrs. Miller.
Mrs. Miller - A Groovy Kind Of Love.mp3
Eat your heart out, Phil Collins!
Mrs. Miller - Up Up And Away.mp3
Mrs. Miller - Hard Days Night.mp3
hey jesus, there seems to be something wrong with those files.
or maybe i'm just too stupid to open them.
too bad!
mrs. miller prayed ALOT for that record contract, eh jesus?
I am DESPERATE for an mp3 of Mrs. Miller's "Gonna Be Like That" from this album, PLEASE, OH PLEASE revisit this!
I got this record and one of those ION players -- so problem solved, Gonna Be Like That is now on my hard drive -- YAY!
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