Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Comments Of Anger

From time to time, I receive comments that seem pretty upset with the fact that Jesus Christ has a blog now. In My defense, I need absolutely no defense. There’s nothing new under the sun. Some people are going to like Me, some are going to hate Me. I think this guy hates Me:

Proclaimer of Truth said...
I think you are the biggest liar and deciever. Even Satan can pose as an angel of light. You never use any scripture and if you were truly Jesus Christ then you would lead others to you through your word. In other words, i hope you like fire cause you are going to burn in hell forever for this great blasphamy!!!I'll be prayering that you get your head straight and quit leading others down the wide path of the wicket. There is always hope for you because John 8:36 says "if the Son sets him free, then he is free indeed." i hope you either tell them you are a real human using your own words or you just shut this site down. Either way i am praying for you always.
with prayers,

Now, I do not plan on normally replying to all these negative emails or comment posts, but this one I couldn’t pass up. That being said, here goes! Hey POT (nice acronym, by the way), are you the one who judges? Did I ask you to judge? Is that what I said? You seem to know a lot about Me, what did I say about judging? Did I give you the authority to damn others to Hell? Cause I think you just tried to do that, POT. Hmmm. You sound pretty religious, kinda like all those religious people that really hated Me back when I was alive down there. You remember what I thought about them, POT? Something about “whitewashed tombs” maybe? You know what I meant by that? Or how about when Peter said he wouldn’t disown Me, remember what I said to him? Here’s a hint, that same quote was used as a White Stripes album name. Keep up with the praying though, the life you save may be your own. I love you, POT. This is tough love I’m throwing your way. Channel that anger into passion and just maybe I’ll use you to change the world, but until then, quit with the “proclaiming” and start with some following.


At 9:43 PM, Blogger Jenn said...

Prayering. I like it.

At 10:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, im with Proclaimer, if Jesus had truly come back on earth to "blog", dont you think we'd all know about it? The second coming is when He comes to reign, not post blasphemous internet blogs to deceive people and basically "tell the future" about whether a band is coming to Canada or not. Yeah, right.

At 11:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


um, we DO all know about it. that's why we're all reading it right now.

and in a world where everyone and their mom is blogging, how can you be mad at jesus for choosing such a popular form of expression?

At 5:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm... i wonder why my comment about Nirvana isnt here. Strange.


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