Baltimore Hooker Incident

So every now and then, I do this thing, right, where I get into human form and mess with you guys a little bit. Nobody knows it’s Me, and I pretty much blend in. So I was doing this the past few days down in Baltimore, Maryland, just because that seemed kinda random and I like Baltimore. Anyway, I meet up with these hookers who will remain nameless, but hookers none the less… and these two girls have had a rough life. No fooling around, these girls have been through some wild stuff. So, I’m trying to care for them with out them thinking I'm just interested in that one thing, you know, and I’m able to talk them into taking a cab with me to a cool Methodist Church in the ‘burbs which will also remain nameless. So this Church has a Monday night “contemporary” service, and I know what the Sermon is going to be and I think its information that will really be nice for them to hear. Very lovely-dovey stuff. Anyway, we walk in and people would just not stop staring… and these girls were pretty nervous already as it is, but this totally backfired. Nobody said anything cruel to us, but it was totally noticeable that we didn’t fit in. We stayed for the whole time but the girls totally weren’t paying attention, and once it was over they immediately were out the door. I ran after them but they apparently had made up their minds that I was not their friend anymore. Awkward. Anyway, my point is, if you happen to be in or around Baltimore and you see two totally attractive and clearly selling their bodies hookers, try to care for them. They’ve had it pretty rough and are going through a tough patch of life right now.
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