People have argued over what color My skin was almost as much as My theology. “All good Buddhists are going to Hell? Who cares, do you think he was a black dude?” I hear this all the time. To give props to such a fine debate, I have decided to put together for Myself a Mix Tape of songs written from a black stereotype perspective, but sung by a white person. Below are a few of My favorites. What are others out there what would work well on My mix, soon to be entitled “Jesus Christ’s Mix Tape of Songs By Black People Sang By White People”. NSFCC! *** Conservative Church ALERT! *** Cussing abounds!
Quit your lies, Mark 13:21-22 says, "At that time if anyone says to you, 'look here is the Christ!' or 'look,there he is!' do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles to decieve and elect- if that were possible." dude you are leading others astray and your joke is out of control. Stop you blasphemy and turn your stupidity into passion and maybe you will change the world. Jesus has already died and rose again and went to heaven to dwell until the end of time. he's not going to start a blog!! so it's a creative idea but it's been carried a little too far. so i'll be prayer for your realization of blasphemy and hope that you repent of your sins!!!
I second the recommendation for Ben Folds' "Bitches Ain't Shit" and also offer Richard Cheese's versions of both "Gin & Juice" and "Insane in the Membrane"
hey taylor i think 65-70 percent isn't 100 so i think he still leading people astray. especially by telling them to listen to songs with profanity. yeah i got a problem with that!!!
Um... proclaimer... I can only hope you're being as tongue in cheek as this blog is. I think Organized religion could use a bit more Darwinism, so if people actually take this seriously then . . .
That Belaire cover, which is amazing, is from a whole album of indie Kayne West covers, though I haven't heard any of the others.
About Me? I'm 5 foot 11, brown hair, brown eyes, Son of God, eternal, I LOVE my family and friends, I LOVE my enemies, My dad can beat up your dad, created lightning bugs, etc. Got a question for Jesus Christ? Email me at wwjblog(at)gmail(dot)com, and maybe I'll answer you via this blog.
Quit your lies, Mark 13:21-22 says, "At that time if anyone says to you, 'look here is the Christ!' or 'look,there he is!' do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles to decieve and elect- if that were possible." dude you are leading others astray and your joke is out of control. Stop you blasphemy and turn your stupidity into passion and maybe you will change the world. Jesus has already died and rose again and went to heaven to dwell until the end of time. he's not going to start a blog!! so it's a creative idea but it's been carried a little too far. so i'll be prayer for your realization of blasphemy and hope that you repent of your sins!!!
With prayers,
Looks like you got a stage 5 clinger!
- markilous
Good start. Check out also Ben Folds' version of Dr. Dre's "Bitches Ain't Shit".
Definitely "No More Auction Block" performed by Bob Dylan. There was also "Black Cross" (aka "Hezekiah Jones") by the former Mr. Zimmerman.
I second the recommendation for Ben Folds' "Bitches Ain't Shit" and also offer Richard Cheese's versions of both "Gin & Juice" and "Insane in the Membrane"
hey taylor i think 65-70 percent isn't 100 so i think he still leading people astray. especially by telling them to listen to songs with profanity. yeah i got a problem with that!!!
er, barenaked ladies did a wicked cover of 'fight the power' by public enemy back in the day...
::surrenders indie credentials::
There's a track by Belaire covering "Through the Wire" by Kanye that Copy, Right? posted a while back.
My Morning Jacket covers Erykah Badu's "Tyrone"
The Pictures cover that "My Milkshake brings all the boys to the Yard" song
I can email any of those to you if you can't find them.
Um... proclaimer... I can only hope you're being as tongue in cheek as this blog is. I think Organized religion could use a bit more Darwinism, so if people actually take this seriously then . . .
That Belaire cover, which is amazing, is from a whole album of indie Kayne West covers, though I haven't heard any of the others.
what about jeff buckley's cover of "strange fruit"??? Eh???
Don't we need some Pat Boone covering "Tooti Fruiti"?
these songs ideas are great! please keep them coming. hi POT!
Good call on Jeff Buckley doing "Strange Fruit"! I would add the song "Long Summer Day" off the new Two Gallants album.
Ben said... "There's a track by Belaire covering "Through the Wire" by Kanye that Copy, Right? posted a while back."
Oh, yeah! +1 for that! That's a good one.
I also have a copy of Ladytron covering Tweet's "Oops, Oh My." Does that count?
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