Ask Jesus!

Got a stumper for Jesus? Ask your question that’s been bothering you lately in the “comments.” Come on, what's been on your mind? I know everything*. Ask Me. I'll answer some of them in the next few days.
*Although Jesus Christ does indeed know everything, some questions He may not directly answer due to “wanting humans to have faith” issues, although this does not mean He doesn’t know the answer. Jesus Christ does realize this may be an annoying loophole, but faith shows risk and He finds risks to be exciting. Again, this does not mean He does not know the answers to any question, for He knows the answers to all questions.
Jesus, why did you and the Father create fire ants? Regular old black ants are fine, they do the same stuff, but they do not bite! Why the biting Jesus?
Jesus, why does MTV suck so bad?
Why doesnt anyone visit my shitty blog?
Are you angry with those people at the Methodist church who didn't love those girls into a better place? Or is it more like sadness? Or maybe you are laughing at what they seem to be missing?
So, me and my friends are having pizza at three in the morning, and the subject of whether God exists or not comes up, and it turns to the idea of morals. It's a very long, complicated argument, that I didn't follow completely because I wasn't entirely sober. Anyways, one of my friends, a devout Catholic, says that God MUST exist because most humans have a code of morals, regardless of their faith. Another, an agnostic, says that we developed a set of morals and values as a means of survival in order to facilitate group cooperations.
My question is this: Why does eating pizza at three in the morning make me feel like taking 15 antacids when I wake up the next day?
Why is my girlfriend convinced that she shouldn't let me hit it or she'll go to hell? If she's a true believer shouldn't she realize that you'll forgive her?
Also -- could you please explain to her that oral sex doesn't count!
Jesus, what comes or regeneration?
Why do dudes go bald on their head but not their body hair?
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