I'm Gonna Be Here

Tom Waits and I are tight. You might think that when he sings songs about me, he’s being ironic or keeping his tongue firmly in cheek, and that is actually mostly true… but he still talks to Me a lot more than you would expect, which makes Me happy because he should acknowledge how blessed he is because of My love for him. Tom Waits should have died three separate times, but I sent angels to cover his hide. Tom Waits should have destroyed his vocal cords completely by now, but I keep them up to par. Tom Waits should have lost his arm in that alligator incident, but I slowed down the snap. Tom Waits should have been shanked in the ribs by that carnie, but I made the ferris wheel break down. I look after Tom, because Chocolate Me and Tom are tight. Buy “Down By Law” from Amazon, its worth the $40 just to see Tom Waits handcuffed to Roberto Benigni.
Tom Waits - Jesus Gonna Be Here (live).mp3
Tom Waits – Hold On (live).mp3
I'm so glad to see that you approve of Tom. I've been feeling a little guilty about "Chocolate Jesus" being one of my very most favorite songs in the whole wide world. It's hard to get past the guilt sometimes, even though I know you aren't all about the guilt. It has to do with being raised Southern Baptist and having a preacher for a Daddy...see?
Waits is the man...'Hoist That Rag' is one of my all-time favorite songs
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