Mocking Music Mocks Me With Love

I love the Mocking Music blog and they mostly love Me. Because they are cooler than dirt, they have made Me a “Jesus Mix”, complete with just about every cool Jesus song ever written that’s not on a WOW compilation… yet. If you think Jesus Christ and Jeff Tweedy are neat, then check out their cool Jesus Christ Mix Tape over on their blog. Although the average cool kid rock band most likely has a song with My name in it, most don't really like Me that much. But a lot of these songs Mocking Music picked out come pretty darn close. This mix is just about perfect. However, if it were to be indeed truely perfect, it would need just one more song, which I have put here for you to download and add to their mix. Please put this track between Johnny Cash and Tenacious D.
Tammy Faye Bakker - Jesus Keeps Takin' Me Higher And Higher.mp3
Because of My love for Mocking Music, I would like to see them updating their site more often than they do. How can the Son of God make this happen? By giving them signs, of course! By giving them little Heavenly signals that remind them that, hey, God loves them and they should probably be updating their blog. But this is where I would like your help. The sign I think would be most fitting would be if, every time their cell phones rang, it reminded them to update their blog. So, I have decided that it would be in their best interest to change their ringtones to that of Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels singing the song “Mocking Bird” from the film “Dumb and Dumber”. If you agree that this would be a good idea, please sign My online petition to get the writers of the Mocking Music blog to change their cell phone ring tones to the aforementioned song. Thanks for the music, Mocking Music. I love you all very much. And again, if you are a lover of the Mocking Music Blog, please sign this petition.
Hey this site is stupid. it doesn't talk about anything relivent. ohh well jesus is cool and so i guess i'll just stick to praying and keep away from this blog stuff!!! god bless
eli the ox doesn't know anything. this blog rocks. don't mock your savior. he kicks hiney.
Wow, I can't remember the last time I heard Tammy Faye's pipes in action, but she sure can sing! So husky, so rich--she should make a comeback album. And she fits Perfectly between Johnny Cash and Tenacious D.
Hi Jesus,
My name is Jon and I've recently started to write for Mocking Music. First, I'd like to say that I am honoured that you decided to mention the site. If you could mention Mocking Music to the big guy upstairs I would really appreciate it.
Second, I would love to change my cell phone's ringtone to Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniel's rendition of "Mocking Bird". Unfortunately, my cell phone is a few years old and doesn't have the bells and whistles of newer models. I'm pretty sure it can't play "proper" music.
Alas, I can always badger the other writers to be more productive.
I thought this might interest you, you being Jesus and all: a collection of Jesus tracks. From the Audiography community on LiveJournal.
I don't have a cell phone!
I do have a cell phone, and mocking bird just might be the right number to replace the version of Milkshake that is my ringtone now... Inside joke, don't ask.
Well, I do not actually imagine it is likely to have effect.
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